From e-commerce to street shops.
From algorithms to word of mouth.
From memes to bar tables.
From streaming to the smell of popcorn.
From crypto to bucks.
From avatar to flesh and blood.
From the metaverse to the universe.
In a NEW world where consumers want ZERO friction, be PHYGITAL.
PHYGITAL is Move fluidly between physical and digital.
Use technology to build new bridges and possibilities.
Create more immediate, immersive, and integrated experiences.
Be relevant to hyper-connected consumers in a world saturated with information.
In the competition for attention, less friction means reaching your goals faster.
We use creativity to build up connections and experiences that make your brand PURPOSEFUL and FRICTIONLESS.
ASIA. The Experience Co.
01.In Asia we believe that an idea is only as good as its ability to interfere or at least dialogue with culture. In this sense, design is not only a visual communication tool, but a fertile territory for creating new brand and product experiences. Today, the solution to a brief can be a record, a dress, a doll, a virtual environment, a branding concept. That's why we consider design a great “cultural avenue” to be explored by brands that want to connect with what is most human.
02.Art has the power to move, subvert, criticize, instruct and construct. Including brands. In Asia we are focused on creating consumer experiences that touch their most human chords. Which makes art not only inspiration and reference for new ideas, but also an immense field of possibilities for brands to dialogue with culture and engage the public in authentic narratives. We don't consider ourselves artists, but we encourage our clients to consider the “art avenue” whenever they want impactful, immersive work with a high potential for engagement.
03.Perhaps the “cultural avenue” that has most transformed the world in recent times – and the way brands communicate. At ASIA we use technology to create physical and digital experiences that make the relationship between brands and consumers more fluid and full of meaning. Every time a new platform or new technology emerges, gigabytes of opportunities open up for brands to dialogue with culture and potential clients. We see technology as an accelerator for disruption, to be used by companies that want to stand out and make a difference in people's lives.
04.Ask the CEO of any large company where she wants her brand to be next and she will most likely answer: within a game. And the previous sentence was not written entirely in the feminine gender by chance. Men and women have equal weight in the gaming world, as do people who do not identify with either gender. In other words, in addition to being cool, fun and contemporary, games can also be great platforms for building more inclusive narratives with high transformative power. As an agency that has “been thinking about the future since 2659”, ASIA believes that more and more advertisers will choose the “gaming avenue” to build their brands.
05.Leisure, training, competition, well-being, entertainment, education and socialization. These are just a few examples of how sports are present in people's lives. And - what a funny coincidence - consumers are people too! People who swim, run, play, jump, kick. And before, during or after all this, they buy things. In other words, sport is a way of life, the celebration of a passion. That's why more brands embrace sports in their communication strategies. And that's why at ASIA we love working with them.
06.Art has the power to move, subvert, criticize, instruct and construct. Brands included. At ASIA we are focused on creating experiences that touch consumers’ most human chords, making art not only inspiration for new ideas, but also an immense field of possibilities for brands to dialogue with culture and engage the public in authentic narratives. We don't consider ourselves artists, but we encourage our clients to consider the “art avenue” whenever they want impactful, immersive work with a high potential for engagement.
07.Here at Asia, music is more than a soundtrack. It is an important “cultural avenue” that connects the brands with the public in a relevant, authentic and engaging way. Touching feelings and provoking reflections that are difficult to achieve in any other way. Great brands were built on great music, and we are here to innovate in that tradition. The right music can elevate the campaign message, the brand image and, consequently, the return of investment, to another level. Because songs, they come and go, but the relationship between human beings and music is eternal.
Think about it. Netflix didn't kill Blockbuster. The late fees did. Uber didn’t kill taxis. The unavailability and lack of quality did. MP3 didn't kill the music industry. Having to buy the whole album to hear only two songs did. Technology by itself doesn’t cause disruption. It accelerates.
What causes disruption are innovative experiences that make a difference in people's lives. That's why we always ask ourselves: will people care about this idea? Will it make their daily lives easier? We are living in the Age of Experience. Where technology does play an increasingly important role. But, for us, the human being will always be at the center of everything.
Welcome to Asia. Experiences speak more than words.
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Sérgio BrandãoFounder & CEO
Vico BenevidesFounder & CCO
Carla SáCSO
Rodrigo MedeirosVP de mídia
Rafael GenuECD
Manoel MichaelDiretor de criação
Rafael LopesHead Atendimento
Marcelo MolinaDiretor de mídia
Livia LanzoniDiretora de Planejamento
Ingrid LoboGerente de atendimento
Matheus AbitbolDiretor de arte
Luiza MorallesPlanner
Caru CamposDiretora de arte & motion designer
Viviane RosaAssistente executiva
Alisson Santanacopywriter
Carlos EduardoAtendimento
Taís CaetanoProducer
Larissa DeruzziProdutora
Eduardo OliveiraMotion Designer & Editor
Ibne MartinsArt assistant
Daniela SaadAtendimento
Erika GonçalvesCoordenadora de mídia
Matheus KleinHead of Growth
Camila FerreiraGerente de mídia
Val Rochacopywriter
Rodrigo MachadoEstagiário